Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sesi Soal Jawab Ke-2 ;D


Ha! Sape tak jawab salam kat atas tu dose. Hee J Haihhh ladies and gentleman and lovelies J Just nak buat random topic mcm selalu, biase la bosan kan. 3 hari di Melake memg sangat fun, nanti nanti la upload pic.. Semua pic aku je kat sane. HAHA~ tapi bile balik umah bosan balik. Haisssh, so sesi jawab sorang-sorang je macam kat bawah ni , Layan je la :

First, What kind of person attracts you ?

Kalau aku la kan aku suke laki yg nampak pendiam tapi dgn kite die boleh cakap banyak. Potpetpotpetpotpet~

Tapi lagi suke laki yg boleh mendengar lebih sebab aku ni kadang2 banyak cakap gak.

Kalau dua-dua berebut nak cakap takut tarik rambut je nanti (even rambut laki pendek aku pulak pakai tudung, mane la tahu boleh men tarik2 jugak). Kalau dengan perempuan, dapat yang banyak cakap pun okay, sebab nanti tak awkward kan :)

Lepas tu aku suka orang yang berpandangan jauh. Berfikiran beyond his / her years of life. Bila nak bincang satu topik, semua jawapan sedap didengar kan. Tapi kalau suke buat loyar buruk je pun best jugak.. Miahahahaha~

Orang yang bantu someone untuk adapt new environment, so tak rasa macam outsider sangat.

In which city you live?

Hmmm, I'm originally from  California. (hahaha, berangan). Aku lahir di KL tggl di ampang. Klau masuk pintu depan rumah still area KL, tapi bile masuk dapur je dah area Selangor. Mcm mane tu ? Maksudnye rumah aku setengah KL setengah Selangor. Huhu ~ But I'm sure if I get the sexy chance to travel abroad I'd fall in love with another place..

What are those 3 things you can't live without?

Internet, Food, and Fart ( a combination between fashion and art).

Do you know speak any other language? And if not, Which one would you like to learn?

No sadly I'm not a fancy unicorn, so I don't speak anything other then Malay, But I'm learning English. I just try to speak well ;) Other than that I want to learn Chinese  (kalau rajin la) .

What's your favourite meal of all the time?

Nasi Ayam Dato’ Keramat . HAHA ~ And laksa

Any new year resolution ?

I don't really have new year's resolution. Just keep on working and go with the flow. And I'd give up to think about pursuing my studies. I just don't want to burden my mind anymore by thinking of it.

Xoxo, Hannah Sytieh

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