Thursday, May 22, 2014



Baju dan kasut baru VS Baju dan kasut preloved / secondhand. Serius soalan untuk korang, nak ke beli barang preloved atau korang2 ni tetap aim brand new ? Korang rase berbaloi tak beli barang preloved ? Betul ke harge barang preloved yg korang beli tu murah or lebih kurang brand new ?

Pandangan aku la. I love preloved item. In fact most of my things now are preloved. Tapi kebanyakannya bag la. Baju pun ade yg secondhand jugak. All purchase from instagram or bloggers. Cheap, good condition and some are brand new or never been used. Sebab kadang2 aku pgg dengan konsep hidup recycle.

One more thing, preloved is the best bagi sesiapa yg nak baju limited edition and pakai sekali je n then terus masuk wardrobe. Sesuai sangat2 dengan sesiapa nak tukar ganti baju (fesyen) everyday especially girls. Girls ni jenis setiap hari gune baju fesyen lain2 and mostly gune baju sekali je.. Taknak pakai baju sama setiap hari… Care ni leh berjimat. Tapi korang kene pandai cari harge yg cheaper and berbaloi2… itu yg penting. So, preloved is quite relevant act.

Lagi2 kalau dapat yg rare. Vintage. Perghh awesome gituuu. Memang susah nak dapat yg mcm ni. Harga preloved pun kadang2 boleh tahan murah and kadang orang tak tau preloved lagi authentic. Yg penting kene pandai carik. Jgn la carik yg nazak sgt. Memang tak berbaloi baloi la geng. Plus bende murah dapat beli banyak2.. Lagi puas hati nak pakai tiap2 hari baju baru… (bydeway, bukan orang tau pun) Wakakakaka…

Dats y aku and mek onie sekarng ade bukak akaun baru : bungapreloved . kat situ memang jual brg preloved and new item sekali. Ade yg tak pernah pakai and ade yg pakai just sekali je… Bukan dr aku je, tapi from onie side pun ade… From orang2 luar pun ade. Tapi kite org bukan jual yg cikai2 ok… Kite org tengok jugak barang tu mcm mane.. Tkdela main tibai je… So, jum cuci mate untuk BATCH 1 – PRELOVED BY BUNGAPRELOVED.

Price : Rm19 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm15 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm25 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.
Boleh nego lagi ok

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm20 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm17 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm17 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm17 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm15 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm20 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage

*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm15 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm10 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Price : Rm35 exc.postage
*Whatsapp for the details and best price.

How to order?
🔹 Please whatsapp us 011-21203431
🔹Whatsapp for enquiry or anything.
🔹Payment on 24 hours 
🔹Serious buyer only

Thanks for your time… Nak nego pun boleh. Postage add rm6 k. Semua condition tiptop. New item pun ade.. Jual half price dr harge asal… Ni baru batch 1.. Will continue batch 2.. Peace… Kalau berkenan terus wassap sini 011-21203431

Regards, Hannah Sytieh