Friday, January 23, 2015

Selfie dan Instagram ?

Hi, Assalammuaikum

Sapa ada instagram dekat sini. Angkat bahu.. and ok.. turunkan sekarang.. behhe… so what I want to discuss tonight… apa kene mengena dengan instagram ? Act utk beberapa harini aku banyak unfollow org kat insta… why? Sebab terlampau banyak selfie… 

U know selfie? Selfie for me is they love taking a selfie picture alone. This mostly happens to girls, and some guys.. haha… kalau aku tengok laki tu dok selfie sorg2 and caption kemain. Aku dah set kat kepala aku that guys is metrosexual or gay.. baha… sorryy… Norml guys don’t do selfie… bukan tak boleh selfie. Tapi kalau sehari upload 2,3 gambar selfie. Ko rase ? tak meluat? Aku pun rasa dok pelik tahu…

Yes.. I know normal girls love to selfie, we do yes, but to post its on instagram and let everyone see your selfie not a normal gils do that…. Maybe seminggu sekali tu ada.. or dua kali seminggu.. tapi for me bukan hari2 ok… lagi2 kalau tempat tu memg kita selalu ada.. macam kat office… kat rumah… perlu ke nak selfie hari2 and upload… take a selfie in a different places or same places and give a lot of expressions. 

Some girls love to take one-sided of the face because you know girls, we have this insecurity feelings that only one-sided of the face is pretty. The other side is totally look like a different person. Some girls love to take the same expression, duck face, smiley face, bored face etc. Some girls love to do collage picture of many facial expression at one time. And post? Weird isn’t ? Kita da terlampau tua untuk selfie babe… Selfie yg terlampau banyak I mean… Buka tak boleh langsung.. maybe budak sekolah tu ye la kan. Baru nak up… 

Lagi satu the captions don't even match the picture, don't even explain anything. For example, a good smiley selfie, but the caption is "stomachache?" How does that even make sense to the good smiley selfie? Emmm maybe dia akan suka bila everyone will praise "aww, you're so cute even sakit perut, bertabahla!", probably you are a just plain bimbo. That's offensive. Hurm, ok. Lagi2 lelaki yg mcm2 ala bgun tido, tak pakai baju and take selfie and post! Ko rase…. *Muntah

Kadang2 update gambar just showing off what you eat, what you buy, what you wear, does everyone has to do this? What is it that we get by posting all these pictures? Promoting something? Yes.. I boleh terima… sebab aku pun memang selalu buat2 kerja macam ni. Tapi selalunya akan kena pada tempat la… bukan saje2… or kadang suka2. Tapi tak kerap like sehari 3 kali? Tapi ade lagi satu contoh.. " I want to take photo of my very luxury car (tapi ambik gmbar kat bahagian yg ade simbol and post it on instagram and caption JAMMED) so that everyone knows that I have luxury car, I can afford it, like what?" Is this a legit reason? You decide.

I dont think selfie is healthy. Too much of selfies, super duper annoying. Probably because Im not good at selfie, so thats why. Whatever it is, people will say, "my instagram, my pictures. If you dont like it, do unfollow". Alrighty then. Unfollow.

Aku rasa kak lekat lekit pun ada mention pasal benda ni. And I setuju dengan kak lekat lekit... 

Psssst :  I also do take selfies. Especially, when I'm feeling pretty. gittew!



  1. huhuhu.. i pun suka selfie... tp suka selfie ngn anak2... =D

  2. Kita suka selfie bila kita rasa kita cam bidadari dari kayangan. Kau ghaseeee ? Hahahaha

  3. Now a days semua orang suka selfie rasanyalah, tapi biarlah berpada-pada.
    Setuju..... too much of selfies so damn annoying. huhuuhuu Mrs. A takde Insta.

  4. Sapa suka ni? haaa baik cakp..akak x sukee..hahahahaha

  5. Marah sangat ni sampai speaking london. Hahahaha. Alah, fana dah la suka selfie jugak. Mesti hana unfollow fana kan kan kan? :(
