Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Khtarhana wedding : My Bridesmaid, Reception


Sambung entry wedding boleh tak, huhu. Nampak gambar bridesmaid time sanding. So, alang2 meh letak kat blog... tak edit pun lg ni. Malas plk. Update je la kan. Apa tu bridesmaid ? huhu. Time wedding haritu pun hana ade bridesmaid. Boleh tahan ramaila. Untuk memeriahkan majlis . suke, sebab bridesmaid lawa2. Ihik. Pandai makeup and smooth kan majlis. Thank my bridesmaid. Sangat2 membantu tau. My bridesmaid apart from being my dayang, they run here and there to serve the guests at the same time. I call them iron ladies for being able to play such a busy roles yet never fail to look sweet and wear a cute smile all day long.

Note To all my Beautiful Bridesmaid,
Thank You Very Much, for your very meaningful presence on my big day. I owe you, and love all of you very much. 

Bridesmaid :

"The bridesmaids are members of the bride's wedding party in a wedding. A bridesmaid is typically a young woman, and often a close friend or sister. She attends to the bride on the day of awedding or marriage ceremony. Traditionally, bridesmaids were chosen from unwed young women of marriageable age"- source : Wikipedia

Maid of Honor :

"The principal bridesmaid, if one is so designated, may be called the chief bridesmaid or maid of honor if she is unmarried, or the matron of honor if she is married. A junior bridesmaid is a girl who is clearly too young to be marriageable, but who is included as an honorary bridesmaid" - source: Wikipedia

Below is some bridesmaid-related tips I would love to share with all B2Bs:

1. Pastikan warna tema pakaian bridesmaid dan tema kedua-dua belah famili  berbeza/kontra dengan warna baju pengantin.
2. Kalau boleh avoid warna tema yang terlalu terang atau menyerlah. Go for pastels or dark colour is safer.
3. Pastikan kira betul-betul berapa orang bridesmaid untuk majlis kita supaya masa beli kain nanti tak membazir dan takde masalah tak cukup kain.
4. Bahagikan kain kepada bridesmaid untuk jahit sekurang-kurangnya 1 bulan sebelum majlis. Kalau nak tetapkan baju design macamana pun ok je, lagi cantik semua pattern sama :)
5. Lesson learnt, kalau nak lagi cun, beli kain untuk jahit tudung sekali...supaya warna tudung sama / colour tones tak lari jauh.
6. Pilih bridesmaid yang ceria, sporting, tidak kekok bergambar.
7. Pilih material kain yang selesa dan tidak terlalu sarat. Kalau pengantin pakai fabrik lace penuh, elakkan bridesmaid put any kind of lace on their attire, nanti nampak lagi crowded.
8. Above all, always remember : the basic rule is no bridesmaid can overrule/overshadow the pengantins on their big day. I believe the simpler the bridesmaid is, the outcome will be prettier.

Thank you gais.. love u’alll so much
Love, see you in next post,
Hannah Sytieh